5 things on my mind this week

Cici Du
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2017
  1. Living in the moment is not a mandate, not some happy state that I have to reason and force myself into. Sometimes, all it takes is hanging on a rock climbing wall with fingers grabbing onto two small rocks while sweating like crazy…The intentional part is the seeking and realization of such experiences.
  2. How many times do I feel like I’m being such an only child in an interaction, not attentive to the wants and needs of another person but voicing my own desperately-in-need-of-validation opinions and indirectly soliciting comfort to battle my own insecurities… the answer is a lot. But the thing is, I can’t expect myself to always do or say the perfect thing. Sometimes the most useful thing I can do is to check on my intentions. Am I saying things to generally contribute to the well-being of the other person? Or am I letting jealousy, desire, fear, control taking over? And if it’s the latter, it’s usually time to shut up.
  3. I’m a thinker. I want to believe that it doesn’t hinder me from doing things but that’s wishful thinking. That is not to say that I’m ashamed of the interesting and sometimes troubling thoughts in my mind but how does any thought benefit my life if I don’t act. The question here is, how do I shorten the time lapse between ideation and execution? I started measuring it. I note down down when I think of something and when I actually do and finish it. This is a project in progress. The other good question to ask and guide the day is, what is a small win that I can make happen in the next hour? It’s a good thing to do in the morning to set momentum for the day.
  4. Goals. There’s a reason they are so important. Constantly checking on goals and priorities is a good way to preserve mental and physical energy and avoid getting caught in things that don’t matter as much as I think. Everything can seem important when I’ve invested in it but letting go of it regardless of the sunk cost is eventually more beneficial, most of the time.
  5. Perfectionism can be hard to escape. It is highly debilitating. Like everything else, practice makes perfect (unintended). Start leaving yourself no choice but accepting imperfection. There’s a lot of way to do this. Give yourself a deadline. Under prepare for sth. and see what happens. Make spontaneous plans and follow through knowing the conditions are not ideal. Put imperfection into practice.

Have a great weekend! :)

