5. What if you could…

Maya Stormrider
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 29, 2016

If you could cast one spell with great mastery, what would it be? I’d like to be able to grow anything on command. When I visualize what I want to grow & how it looks in my mind’s eye, that is what I can cast with a wave of my hand. If I wave my hand at a barren area of soil, even cement, and I envision purple and yellow wildflowers, that is what grows at an accelerated rate. The only thing is, what I grow has to be indigenous to the land or compatible with the soil and location.



Maya Stormrider
100 Naked Words

Full time mama. Holistic Life Coach. Peeling away layers of the Ego. School of Life Student-Teacher. Blogger. www.blisslovelight.wordpress.com