54) I’m Tired of Your “Thoughts and Prayers”

Del Singh
100 Naked Words
3 min readOct 16, 2017


Please do something with your thoughts and prayers. Put your thoughts onto paper. Create a plan with your prayers.

Take action and do something about it. People are said, scared, and angry with the terrible things that happen around the world.

Shooting in Vegas

Thoughts and prayers are sent. Then what? Will you sign a petition about gun control? Will you donate blood? Will you protest the NRA?

Hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico

Thoughts and prayers are sent. Then what? Will you volunteer? Will you spend less and donate money to a cause to help those in need down there?

November 2015 Paris Attack

Thoughts and prayers were sent. People even set the France flag as a backdrop to their Facebook profile picture. Then what?

February 2017 Pakistan Attack

Crickets. . . No thoughts. No prayers.

In closing, I thought I’d include some of my favorite “thoughts and prayers” images from the good old www.

I’m sending you my thoughts and prayers that you finally do something when the next shit storm hits us.

I apologize for not giving the creators credit. I’m copying and pasting what I find from Google.

Starting with my favorite one.

To the ones that take action. . .


Not that you need it from me. Continue doing good.

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