6) Dream’s Gone Up in Smoke!

Paul S Markle
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2017
Photo by Paul S. Markle

Today I am not writing about deep feelings or experiences. I considered writing about the weird dream I had last night, but I went out of town today at the crack of dawn.

I’m writing late in the afternoon and the dream is way too fuzzy to recall.

Sitting on the back porch smoking a cigar. About a year and a half ago I began smoking cigars.

My sister went to Cuba and brought me a couple of cigars in the Spring of 2015. I started buying them soon after those were gone.

It took me a while to figure out why I like them. You don’t inhale when you smoke a stogie, but get the taste of the tobacco and the smoke.

As a kid I became enamored with smoke. And I still am.

I admit it I am addicted to the ritual, the taste, to blowing plumes of smoke out into the air.

Maybe I will dream of cigars tonight.



Paul S Markle
100 Naked Words

Wordsmith Apprentice studying under this collective community genius. Writer of fiction, poetry, etc. Former head shrinker, current equine coach…