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63) The World Doesn’t Need Anymore Doctors, Lawyers, or Engineers

Del Singh
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2017


Parents want the best for their children. It’s why my parents steered me towards the “safe” route. The pushed medicine, law, and engineering hard on me.

The standard Indian profession. It’s safe, well-paying, and respectable. When my mom tells me of a relative or family friend getting married, the first thing she’ll tell me is their profession.

“So and so is a physical therapist. So and so is a civil engineer,” my mom would say.

“Ya? So? What does that mean?” I would reply.

She’d get into the stability and high-paying perks of these types of professions. Then she’s reminisce about how I refused to go down these routes as a child.

“Why do Indian people go into these fields? I don’t need to become a doctor. Someone else can.” This was my standard reply.

I still say this, and believe it to my core.

I feel strongly about this because the world doesn’t need anymore of these professions. What the world needs are people that have a purpose behind these professions.

The world needs physicians that give back to those that can’t afford healthcare.

The world needs lawyers that fight for the underprivileged.

The world needs engineers that are building the crumbling US infrastructure.

The world needs artists, entrepreneurs, volunteers, musicians, and anyone else that is fighting for a purpose bigger than a paycheck, 4,000 square foot home, and a Tesla. The world needs people that think for themselves. There will be plenty of others that listen to their parents and go down the “safe” path.

I have never regret going down my own path. Granted, I have yet to find my purpose. As of now, my purpose is to find my purpose.

Whatever path you’re going down, I pray that it’s the right one for you. I am cheering for you to listen to your inner voice.

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