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67) Will History Lose its Touch?

Del Singh
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2017


My favorite thing about history is using my imagination to create a picture of that era

What were the streets of Florence like during the Renaissance? Would I see Da Vinci going to the bakery to get some bread? Or would I see him on the riverbank, making sketches?

How tall was George Washington? What did he sound like with wooden teeth?

Imagining people, places, and things is the beauty of history. You’ll see an artifact and visualize how it was used, and who it was sued by.

That was Napoleon’s sword!? How much blood did it shed?

Everything is documented now. People are on record. Images of buildings, artifacts. . . food (ugh) are captured.

We know too much about a lot of things. 100 years down the road, there will be video of every world leader, inventory, artist, and musician. We’ll know the ins and outs of their personal lives—where they lived, who they dated, what they sounded like. . . everything.

100 years ago was very different. There was so much unknown about that time. Records were lost, we had to speculate or hypothesize from the data available. And this is the great thing about it. It was unknown which left things up for our imagination.

Was Genghis Khan 8 feet tall and 400lbs? Probably not, but it is fun to think that. To create our own version of the world that preceded us.

RIP history.

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