7) Screw up. It’s okay.

Eric Turner
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2017

At some point I think we have to ask ourselves, “is it worth it?”. Is it worth it to become that upset about something? To allow ourselves to be controlled by something that is not in our control?

The short answer would be, “no”. It probably isn’t worth it to become upset about something that is not in our control. So then why do we? Well, the short answer to that would be, “because we’re human”.

We’re allowed to screw up. We’re imperfect beings and I think the more we expect perfection out of ourselves, the more disappointed we will be with the results. The more we mess up, the more experience we achieve, and that allows us to learn and get better. Trying to get better every day produces interesting outcomes. Some nights I go to bed thinking, “yeah, I did pretty good today”, and other nights, “yeeeeaaaahhhhhh, I can do better”.

Whichever way I fall asleep, there’s a good chance it has little effect on the morning “me”. Most of the time I don’t wake up focused on “being the best I can be”. I mean, c’mon, nobody is Forrest Gump. It doesn’t happen naturally. That’s a movie. It’s usually a daily process. The key is to remain resilient and to forgive yourself so that when you do fail, you don’t sit around beating yourself up all day. If you do happen to catch yourself in that loop of feeling terrible, just know you aren’t alone. I’m a screw up too.

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Eric Turner
100 Naked Words

Husband. Father. Friend. Social Worker. Life is messy. Come along for the ride! Also, check out Medium membership! https://medium.com/@eturn102/membership