7. The lies I tell myself before eating chocolate

Matt Gardan
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 21, 2016
  • 85% cocoa — so it’s healthy.
  • full of antioxidants
  • great for my pineal gland
  • it’s a detox thang
  • I don’t really obsess about food
  • it’s organic, I’m saving the planet
  • You skipped [insert meal here]
  • just one little square
  • ok two
  • you trained today
  • but my glass of Pinot is so lonely
  • f*ck the six pack (I don’t have one btw)
  • I’ll be stronger tomorrow
  • It’s still under my daily caloric limit
  • I was happy with my last weigh in (83.4kg)
  • It’s Friday (or mon, or sun, or tues etc)
  • I could kick this habit, if I really wanted to…



Matt Gardan
100 Naked Words

Dreamer, Creative, Solo-Daddy. My words are slowing coming to me…