#78/18: learning to listen to my partner in some things

Unbought and Unbossed
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2016

I give myself good advice, but it’s hard to follow it. For example, I’ve been telling myself to spend more time listening to my partner than to myself about certain things. Things like his opinion of me, if he loves me, if he likes me, if he enjoys our partnership, if he feels safe in it, if he’s happy. These all might seem like obvious things to listen to someone else about, but I’ve noticed that I tend to listen to my own voice regarding these matters. She doesn’t always have a good handle on what’s going on — she also tends exaggerate, obfuscate, & is very judgy. I don’t/can’t always trust her opinion.

Enter my advice: you should listen to [my partner’s first name] when they tell you how they think and feel. ESPECIALLY when you are sad. Don’t ever listen to what you tell yourself about yourself when you are sad. Hug yourself instead. You’ll feel better.

Even though I had a hard day at work (relative to normal, because no day is really hard), I’m thankful for the space to be creative in my work life. Also grateful for self-hugs.

