95. Coincidences

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2016

Coincidences are strangely motivating.

As if, everything happened for a reason; like every steps were put in the perfect way for you to go through them in the perfect order, at the perfect time.

I am going to stop writing on 100 naked words in the near future. I set the final day as a deadline to finish two projects. And then I can start others, bigger and way scarier. It will be the end of an important act and the beginning of another, a brand new one.

This deadline happens to occur just the day before my birthday. So the start of the new act will take place on the day of my birthday precisely.

I wasn’t planned, it wasn’t wanted. It just is.

I feel motivated. All this preparation, I now have to finish in a few days. I cannot miss the deadline, I cannot fail this time.

I know I will success in this process, every step along the way was bringing me to this. This enhancement of projects, the start of a new chapter.

