97. I worked today

Studied is more appropriate, I am still at school

100 Naked Words
2 min readNov 15, 2016


And the result is the same anyway.

I’ve never been a great worker. I always had good grades without really working for it, so why would I even bother?

Sometimes, of course, I would tell myself: “Hey, time to grow up; you should study a little bit”. I never did, the motivation wasn’t there and clearly, it gave no result. So I spent more time thinking about why I wasn’t studying rather than actually doing it.

And I’ve come to a conclusion:

I don’t find it interesting

I do not need to study (I didn’t)

I mean that until last year, what I did was going to school for the grades, nothing more. And it was easy, I had good grades everything was great.

I learnt therefore, you shouldn’t force yourself to do something just because you think it is good, or someone told you so. Find tangible reasons and a real need.

Because today, I am working (studying) on a much deeper level in the fields I love (Maths especially). At this level, you have to work, it is not anymore about understanding and repeating the pattern, now you have to think, and to think, you have to master perfectly the tools you use.

It takes work, a lot of work. And this time, I am ready to work.

Because I have an interest in it

Because I need it

I spent all the time I literally could today working on maths, and the day before. Still not enough, as soon as I publish this article, I go back and finish some work even though it is actually 11,30pm (not even joking this time).

I love what I do, and I am ready to work for it.

