A small step

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2017

It was in 1969 when the Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon, that Armstrong would utter one the most famous one-liners : “A small step for [a] man, a giant leap for mankind”.

What does this mean to us? What can we learn from it?
Well, as I continue to read “The Compound Effect” from Darren Hardy, I am in awe of the power of simplicity. Change is simple when approached one step at a time. It’s one small step for man that represents a leap for mankind.

You want to lose 10 pounds? Sure. Let me see you lose the first one.
You want to make a million dollars, let me see make a grand.

Our dreams are often given up on because we fail to take advantage of the power of simplicity.
Rome was not build in one day. It takes multiple small bricks to make a wall.
So we have to start with the end in mind, but take it one small step at a time.

For you writers, how do you complete a story? Isn’t it one word at a time? Do you just make sentences appear or do you select your words, assemble them following grammatical rules and influenced by your own personal style? Those small words, when they are combined can form sentences that will move readers to tears, or statements that would deeply inspire.
Simple words mingled can give back hope to the hopeless.
One small word for the writer, a leap for the reader.



100 Naked Words

JP (Jean Pouabou). Writting my first book | Aspiring to inspire people to pursue their purpose.