
Day 4

Zaira Abbas
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2017


We live off of moments that make us feel worthy and that is usually when we achieve something. When we see a vision , a dream turn into reality. It gives us a sense of true purpose. And in that brief moment, life seems beautiful.

But using only great moments to lay the basis of our self validation can make us go a little to hard on ourselves. Achievement doesn’t always have to be something that people will notice and appreciate. It doesn’t always mean doing what nobody else could do. It could simply be making a small difference in one’s life. Even more so, if it is in somebody else’s life.

For a long time, achievement to me, meant getting the best grades, making the team win, getting into the best institutes, landing the most celebrated jobs and more such things. But then I realized these were probably just the events that boosted our egos and was a little shallow.

Achievement has to be a little deeper. More like overcoming a loss or failure, breaking a bad habit, making somebody smile, giving up on toxic attitudes and becoming a better self. By this definition we could achieve something everyday and build a self worth that isn’t just dependent on our resume’ or our materialistic successes.

