Amor… 100 words, All of Them Love (2/100)

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2016
  • Amor…that’s Latin for love. Latin’s dead, right? Wrong.

amor patriae

[ah-mohr pah-tree-ahy; English ey-mawr pey-tree-ee]
noun, Latin. love of one’s country; patriotism.

We who lament today’s land of our fathers cry because we forgot it’s the land of our mothers, too. Love of country is no less true if the heart that pledges its allegiance beats in a body female, male, black, brown, white, or any shade in-between. Stars and stripes fly our hopes and dreams, red and blue waving together. No one party, race, creed or especially color owns patriotism, save perhaps America’s only native born denizens. Our original patriots teach, wisely, that we don’t own the mountains, valleys, prairies or shining seas ~ Mother Earth is our benevolent landlady. Perhaps once we realize we’re but fortunate guests we’ll find the…

courage [kur-ij, kuhr-]

french “of the heart” the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

to believe, trust, heal and move courageously forward knowing that…

omnia vincit amor

[ohm-nee-ah weeng-kit ah-mohr] noun

latin. love conquers all.

Patriotic love, put to music by Irving Berlin, reminds us how much we need God’s blessing right about now to help us “stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above” (be sure to pay attention at 4:19 in the clip)

