An Important Lesson Everyone Should Know.

Don’t get behind in the competition.

Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words



In today’s society, there are so many keywords that hold a certain amount of value: Patience, Perseverance, Empathy, Hustle. They are all valuable to know and practice, but there is one that is very underrated and mostly forgotten during every day transactions.

What’s the Word?

Composure. Don’t react right away. So many of us want to get the notification and responsibility of dealing with a situation off our plate that we react without thinking about the possible outcomes. We react and often times create a rift between those we call clients. We should stop, think about possible reactions and then decide what works best for each party. It is a relationship, not a business deal. That’s how you are going to win.

Yours Truly,

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Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words

Entrepreneur. Social Media Phanatic. Co-Founder of Frontline Business Group, LLC. Writer for The Ascent and 100 Naked Words.