Are you Smart?

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2017

Everyone you know, including me, has uttered the phrase ‘I’m just not smart enough’ at least once in their lifetime.

It implies you just aren’t smart. That there’s nothing you can do about it. And for the most part this is bollocks.

This is period of human history where all of our collective knowledge is a computer screen away from you. It has never been easier to access information.

Learn to knit on YouTube. Study Particle Physics with a free, online course. You might think not having qualifications or money means you don’t have what it takes, because that used to be the case. But trust me, it’s not anymore.

The only thing standing between you and whatever you want to know is motivation. If you want to be smart — go and be smart. Because for all the bad points the technological age is bringing upon us, this is one beacon of hope.

“To be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you will become. Most of you won’t be successful because when you studying and you get tired, you quit. ‘I don’t do well in math.’ You’re right — you ain’t never studied. ‘I’m not good at writing.’ ’Cause you’ve never written before.”

Eric Thomas’s “The Secrets to Success”.



100 Naked Words

Psychology Graduate interested in Personality Disorders / ASD . I love Science and Science Fiction, but I get most excited when they meet.