100 Naked Words — Day 86


Reflections, Ripples and Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words


Photo Credit — Me! Lido di Camaiore, Tuscany

I can’t deny my proclivity for speaking.

Those that know me, know I’m a chatterbox.

But equally they know when I speak I do so with purpose.

I’ve been trying to learn the art of listening for some time now.

My (much) better half tells me constantly that it’s the biggest flaw in my character.

I know the clichés —repeat back or question premises, be active not passive when listening, don’t focus on what points you want to make.

But I’ve found since I started practising the art of listening (and by no means am I an expert); that all too many conversations don’t merit the attention.

So many people intent on babbling on about banalities.

Social media the old fashioned way.

It’s sad to say but true nonetheless.

Today I was fortunate to have had conversations that weren’t just worth the time, they were worth the effort.

It’s tiring work keeping my mouth shut.

About me: Citizen of the World. I love writing, photography, travelling, reading, learning and growing. Medium is another journey in my life, let’s see what sights we may see.



Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer