Baby Cakes

That one time I hit a baby

A Blog About the Painfully Obvious
100 Naked Words
1 min readDec 16, 2016


I think I hit something,” I said slowing the car down.

It was probably nothing,” Max said. “A plastic bottle.”

What if it was a baby?” I felt a tiny pinch in my heart.

What would a baby be doing on the side of the curb at 4 in the morning?”

Max had a good point. “But it could have been a crack baby,” I replied.

Max looked out the window. “I see no crack baby.

That’s because I probably smooshed it.”

Max looked deep into my eyes, “You’re an idiot, but I love you. I’ll take my chances.



A Blog About the Painfully Obvious
100 Naked Words

Content Writer on the hidden creativity of running a business: Leadership, Sales Theory, Development, Marketing and occasional humorist