Be the woman you want to be

To love or not-love your MIL

Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words
2 min readJun 3, 2017


I discarded two drafts before writing this one, all because this one by Gunjan Sharma Arora is so very well written, I just can’t think of over-passing it.

I wrote my own version and felt it incomplete after I submitted it. I have no idea if this will be a complete version- because I always lack substance in my writings. It’s mostly jibberish, always an overflow of emotion. Like I am in a rush. Like it will be gone if I don’t write it now.

I just have this odd thing to add- Every woman is different. Just like every man is different. Your mother, probably too will be the some kind of mother-in-law, if you happen to have a brother. And to that girl, she is a foul woman for telling her daughter-in-law that she should make round chapatis.

How do you feel now?

What I feel is all the good MILs (yes, that’s what they call them now), either they were too liberal in their youth or they had been treated well by their MILs. Or they have been treated very badly. So they decided to not let it happen to their daughter-in-laws. Learn from them, the art of patience.

And the bad MILs, they just don’t get the hang of lives today. They are too rigid to let go off the old age customs. Keep you calm, here. Smile.

But think of yourself, three decades in future when you become a mother-in-law, you would want to be a better version, right?

So stay tight. Try not to lose the goodness in you. Love your husband, dearly. He is the only one who can help you sail.

Mine does. And I love you a thousand words for it, Tarun! And more.

This post is a part of challenge that I took. I will be writing 100 words everyday for 100 days. Day thirty three is here. Thank you for reading



Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words

Storyteller @Quovantis, BookFairy @booksontheMetro. Merry Giggler. Reader and Writer. I share my experiences and experiments on Instagram @shrutibookfairysharma