Beauty in the pains

Cici Du
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 25, 2017

There’s chaos, there’s confusion, and there’s pain.

There’s craziness, there’s anxiety and there’s fear.

There’s tremendous difficulty and adversity.

All of it makes you go nuts and want to quit.

Then you take a look at all the darkness again.

And you see the magnificence.

Isn’t it so cool that the struggle is what makes things worth it?

Isn’t it so exciting to work on a challenge that troubles the smartest people including you?

Isn’t it so beautiful that life has given you a chance to accomplish something that you had no business being part of 5 or 10 years ago?

Isn’t it so unbelievable that you get to do this? This thing that maybe frustrates and scares you and keeps you up at night?

All the things I have to do. All the things I get to do. Where does your mind lies in between these two drastically different states?

