Brutal Honesty is Usually More Brutal Than Honest

Linda Caroll
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2017

When people say they’re being brutally honest, they’re usually just brutal. Brutal means savage. Honest means free of untruthfulness.

Know what brutal honesty is?

Every year, 500 children are killed by their parents.
There are 2.5 million homeless children in the USA.
In some countries, women are killed for being raped.

Those things are brutal honesty. Savage, and true.

Opinions can be brutal, but they are not truths…

For starters, opinions are subjective. They’re influenced by personal feelings. Opinions are opinions, but they are not truths. Not even close.

So when people are “brutally honest” and tell you that your book sucks, or your writing sucks, or you have no right to an audience, or anyone’s time, or attention or to chase your dream or whatever they are being “brutally honest” about — realize it’s a brutal opinion, not brutal honesty.

Shake your head if you want to. Wonder what made them so cynical or bitter or jaded if you want to. But don’t believe it for a minute.

It’s not brutal honesty. It’s just brutal.

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