Chapter 11: Does this make you want to read more?

I’ve been spending this week writing the blurb.

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
4 min readJul 16, 2017


This is the first week since I’ve finished writing the first draft of my novel. It’s been a weird feeling, like I was driving down the highway at 100 mph and suddenly slammed on the brakes. It hasn’t been a pleasant feeling, that’s for sure. That’s the power of habit I guess, once it’s established when you don’t do it, it feels uncomfortable. It feels like I’m wasting time.

Conversation with myself:

Writer-Johnson: why aren’t you writing your second novel yet? Stop wasting time!

Johnson: I need to take the time off, I don’t want to overload you.

Writer-Johnson: I’m not overloaded at all. I’ve rested enough. Come on let’s go, go, go!

Johnson: Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

It’s uncomfortable but it’s also a good feeling. I’d rather try to keep a lid on Writer-Johnson than want to write and find that he’s gone on vacation. Now that I’ve awoken him, let’s see if I can manage him well enough to keep going with a second and third book before the end of my 180 day challenge.

This isn’t to say that I’ve been doing nothing. I’ve been writing the blurb, an integral part of the book selling process. 20 years ago, when there weren’t kindles and you actually had to go into a book store to shop for books (ah, the good old days…) the blurb was the writing on the back of the book you would read to give you a feel of whether it would be something you’d want to invest in.

Now, it’s the 200–300-word description you read in Amazon that does the same thing. I spent this week fine-tuning this description and I’ve got it into a state that I’m reasonably happy with. That doesn’t mean anything though. The true litmus test is if it actually gets cold browsers, i.e. people who see my book for the first time, to spend the $3 to buy my book.

It’s actually a lot harder to write the blurb than it is to crank out an 80,000-word novel. It’s a different skill set called copywriting, essentially writing to sell. You have to keep in mind your target market and write to their expectations and what they want to read. My book, being an urban fantasy, has to fuse elements of magic and fantasy into an urban environment.

At the same time, it can’t be the same, old boring stuff as the hundreds of other urban fantasy novels out there. I had to be brave enough to disqualify potential readers. I therefore had to be a bit edgier and push the envelope a little bit when it came to the description, which you’ll get to read in a moment.

The angle I took was writing the blurb in first-person so the reader could “hear” Rose’s voice. I also used the shock factor in the hook. It would deter people who wouldn’t like violence but hopefully encourage people who do.

Anyway, have a read of it and let me know: does it make you want to pay $3 to read it? (be honest)


I was murdered in an alleyway, 2 gunshots through my skull.

Next thing I know, I was reborn as a modern-day reaper armed with a holy gun. My mission: take down Dante and stop him from building his undead army. Piece of cake, right? Not when him and the Tormented come back to life every time I shoot them.

By the way I’m Rose Eaving, Deliverer of Conflicted souls to the Underworld. I’m a… contractor of sorts. My boss? Let’s just say you wouldn’t want him at your kid’s birthday party. I’m not doing this gig just for kicks. In exchange for defeating Dante and the Tormented, I’ll get a second chance at life on the Overworld.

My first assignment went horribly wrong; top secret intel was leaked out to the Tormented and all fingers were pointed at me. The second was also a complete failure. For the third, I was handed the leadership with clear instructions: kill the newest member of the Tormented. There’s only one problem: he’s someone from my past.

Author’s note: Rose Reborn is a fast-paced urban fantasy with subplots of mystery and romance. There’s also:

- zombie slaying without the gore,

- love without cheesy sex scenes,

- an imperfect, snarky heroine ably supported by a colourful cast of characters,

- no werewolves, fae or half-dragons, just born-again humans with dark motives that will keep you guessing until the very end and most importantly…

- no cliff-hanger ending!

It’s gone through several iterations, but it’s probably about 80% of the way there now. Is there anything unclear about it? Any words you might want to change? Anything you think I should add? Let me know.

By the way…

I’ve set up my author’s site. It’s a bit bare at the moment and just full of demo content, but as I get closer to October the 31st, you’ll start seeing more and more stuff go up. It’s at

Anyway, thanks again for following. I’m looking forward to reading your comments.



