Courage is not living without fear

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 28, 2016

I first heard about 100 Naked Words on June 21st.

It caught up my attention because at that time I was still struggling to write on a daily basis.

I thought it would be a great challenge to do but… deep down I was scared.

I was scared of not being inspired everyday, to not be original, to not be good enough, …

Yet, on July 30th, I decided to conquer my fears and to send an email to Johnson. I had nothing to lose anyway.

While writing my email, I was feeling nervous. It was a mixed feeling between excitement and fear.

And it’s in that exact moment that I knew I was doing the right thing.

“Courage is not living without fear, courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway.”

