DailyME 8: It’s time to say NO

And not regret it a minute later

100 Naked Words
2 min readOct 27, 2017


I meet so many different people every day and I usually don’t understand them. And I don’t even try anymore.

Btw, understanding them has nothing to do with language, which is German and German is like my fourth language =)lol

Being a very understanding and patient person most of the time, at some point I had to give up trying to relate and understand whatever bullshit people were talking or doing.

It comes a time when you gotta say no to toxic people

To stupid people (okay, maybe I’m a bit arrogant))

To unfair treatment — life has never been fair

Just say “no” if it doesn’t serve you

Try it


Since HE left, I’ve been saying NO to a lot of things

Like going out with this acquaintance of mine who liked me and maybe (most probaly) wanted more

Like going out for a walk with my mate from work, because I had no time, but I actually thought it would be better not to go out with him again (he likes me too)

I also said NO to all men, all crappy relationships and all the crying

Because I am done, playing a game where I only loose, where my heart gets torn apart, when I am left with nothing

I don’t like games like that


Next time I want something so incedible and so extraordinary — it will take my breath away and maybe then I will know for sure that someone is for me

Weirdly, I was sure about HIM, I was sure he was the one.

But I guess a different treatment from a different man 3 months after breaking up with my ex doesn’t mean that it’s forever.


However I wanted it to be


Life has its magical ways

Let’stumble again and again and see what happens

And don’t forget to say NO to the assholes who bring you down!!!


Thank you for reading ♥

Support my rant here

And have a nice evening

