Day 19: Corrupt or not?

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 25, 2016

If you were in the situation where the choice would be to kill 2 people or 100, what would you choose?

Are you a deontologist or utilitarian?

The former could never justify letting one person die, even if it saved lives of hundred others.

Whereas utilitarians would go for 2 people, because dead is a lot better than 100 people dead.

If the outcome was better, what’s a few moral sacrificies?

All it matter for utilitarians is what come about because of their action.

Deontological reasoning takes the opposite approach.

Our actions are good or bad because of why we do them. If we have good intentions, our actions are morally good, no matter the results.

What is your philosophy?

Are you morally-righteous or morally-corrupt?

