Day 2: Don’t be afraid to say NO, don’t be afraid to speak up

100 Naked Words
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2016
is this how a bad-ass looks like or she’s just pretty intense (intensely pretty?)

I always had difficulty to disagree with people out loud. I fight my fight inside with all those diverse and smart-ass words proving my point.

I talk it over and over, write a script and play it out in my head multiple times till I realise, once again,


I’m not a person to stand up for herself, not a person to have confidence to argue, have courage to raise my voice to a person who’s in a way has a big pull on me, or is my boss, or owes me money.

But I can easily scream and yell at people who are the most dear to my heart.

How is that?

The people I care about and TECHNICALLY owe my life to, get the MEAN me, the courageous fighter, the passionate speaker, but they also get hurt from it.

I regret it a lot.

I control it better these days, but still snap once in a while.

This is me trying to encourage myself to step up, chin up, posture high and strong and finally say what I really think, fight for what I want and deserve and SPEAK the hell UP.

That’s me saying NO to

  • crappy relationships
  • bad attitude
  • passive-agressive behaviour
  • bullies
  • assholes
  • bitches who think they are better
  • situations when other people bring you down
  • feeling like shit for not being able to speak the truth, speak about my feelings, speak for my cause, open my heart
  • being unhappy because of other people
  • feeling unloved
  • being pushed and pulled into something unworthy of me
  • being manipulated
  • being cheated on
  • feeling like a victim

I’m saying NO to everything that can possibly bring the person down from outside

chillax and peel some stuff =) Penelope seems to enjoy it

Don’t let anyone treat you badly

Speak up

Tell them your side of the story

And maybe it isn’t the best idea, and maybe if you’re like me, you’d better shut up and sit it out, but DON’T

I’ve been doing it for a long long time and it brings nothing into your life, it just takes a piece of you with it, a piece that would like to fight for what you stand for or just give those fuckers a piece of your mind even if they didn’t ask for it

Go ahead

And maybe the next time I’ll have the courage to BRING IT ;)

just for the sake of BOOBS, cause THESE look AMAZING ❤

