What I do when my heart is breaking

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2016

I read. I read “The summer I turned pretty” trilogy, I adore Jenny Han.

It’s not an ultimate heartbreak cure, it’s not cure at all.

Every time my heart breaks it is different and needs different medicine.

Sometimes, I just say “fuck it” and cry my eyes out, until I get to the point when I’m so exhausted I can’t even cry anymore.

Also when I can’t sleep and cry in bed, it works like a miracle and I fall asleep not even realizing it.

Very possibly that the heartbreak won’t subside till the morning.

But it’s another day and I think people who invented “sleep on it” might be up to something.

My major was over-reacting and creating drama from nothing, but for me every heartache is real, even if it has some shady circumstance.

Once in a while, I am angry at people and their ignorance, I’m angry at the situation and maybe even at myself, but I’ll never admit THAT in a million years.

So I blame people

My friends, my boyfriend, men in general, society, politicians and life itself

Sometimes I am the heartbreak, I am my master and my executioner, sometimes I’m the one who breaks and mends at the same time.

Sometimes life doesn’t make sense

Most of the time



Thank you for reading,



