Day 24: There’s no normal

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016

Normal is THE word I used to hate.

Normal is THE word I used to use on a daily basis.

At some point in my life I realized there’s no objective definition to anything.

Some things are considered bad by some people, by others — just a NORMAL thing.

We are versatile and WE are a lot of people.

How many now? 7 billion or so?

Thinking there’s a universal NORMAL is the next insane thing to do.

I don’t know what’s normal for me and I don’t bother defining anything nowadays.

Cause when I try, I end up in a deep dark hole and the way out is lonely and scary.

I want to never go back there again.

I walk on air, I try not to judge or make assumptions, though in the end, subconsciously I still do.

And it makes me shiver in my sleep, because all the information my brain gathers during the day, at night — becomes a nightmare-ish new puzzle.

The bottom line I wish my brain was more selective and didn’t bother me with nonsense and these psycho nightmares about crashing expensive cars or the heartbreak I wouldn’t be able to survive.

Normal for me used to be a lot of drama.

Well, maybe not A LOT.

But enough to call it a recurring role in my life.

Now, I’m trying to get rid of it, trying not to act NORMALLY.

Trying not to do what I usually do and break the normalcy paradox.

I’m trying to be better by looking at everything in retrospect and future-spect =) whatever

TRYING would be the key word

old habits die hard

Fuck all the NORMAL talk

we are here not to be NORMAL (some people are, though. another paradox?)

we are here to be extraordinary

do smth with ourselves and never find oneself regreting anything

time is a tricky thing though

as soon as you think you have it, it flies away

forget about NORMAL and ORDINARY

live your life without any prejudice

without overthinking

have fun with it




Thank you for reading,



