Day 25: Slow down, don’t get too close

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2016

At this point I can’t get close at all.

I’m farther away as ever.

Month and a half ago I was inches close, and didn’t think about getting “too” close, cause closer couldn’t have been. We were TOO CLOSE in all definitions of the word.

And now we are far away.

In all the possible ways.

We barely talk.

We are busy.

We have separate lives in different countries.

It’s not about getting TOO close anymore, it’s about not loosing touch and not loosing the feeling.

Or maybe it’s all lost already.

I don’t even know if I want it to continue.

I already planed 100 ways to break-up and somehow in those scenarios it didn’t hurt me at all. Is it because I planned it all out already and know what to expect or is it cause I have no feelings whatsoever, I don’t know.

I’m not eager to do it. I’m famous to rush into things and get out real fast. I don’t seem to have patience these days.

Maybe we are worth it, maybe it’s worth at least a try. Maybe not

We are busy.

And I hate it

Is it a new excuse for “I couldn’t be bothered to send you a good night or good morning message” or “I couldn’t be bothered to say anything cute or relating to any emotion towards you, cause I’m so busy and I just have no time to think of you and text you”???

If it is, I don’t need this crap.

It’s almost as not having a bf

But have some random guy text me once in 3 days asking me how I am, not that he really cares.

I might be overreacting and exaggerating, but the fact is this:

he can’t be bothered

And my comeback is this:

I can’t be bothered either.

So now that we are not close at all, there shouldn’t be any problems, except that we are far away.

2400 km far.



Thank you for reading



