I hope I like you

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2016

When you first meet a person… what do you ask?

What is your first move?

Ask name, what they do for work and how old they are?

Or is it more like: looking from head to toe and submitting that particular individual into some subgroup in your brain?

This one could be a friend (maybe)

Gosh, that guy is hot and the eyes…wow (possible lover)

Who’s that dork in the middle? (stranger, no interaction wanted)


Do we assume how good or bad people are just by asking those questions or not asking at all, just ASSUMING

based on WHAT?


Social capabilities and clothes?

If we can do that even without talking to guy/girl in front of us,

can we actually ASSUME that that person could be our next best friend,

even if he/she looks inappropriate and speaks with the accent nobody seems to understand?

Would THAT work?

I read somewhere yesterday

When meeting someone new assume the attitude of “I hope I like you”

If you look for a reason to hate someone, you’ll find it

If you look for a reason to like someone, you’ll find it

It’s the new

If you think you can’t — you’re right

If you think you can — you’re right too

Pick one

I wonder how the strategy “I hope I like you” will work in real life =)

I’ll give it a try next time when I’m around new people and get back to you

Have fun and don’t look for reasons to hate ANYONE

Relax and be Switzerland about everything :)

Thanks for reading



