The boy who walked alone

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readOct 31, 2016

It has been about 20 years now.

He walked in the middle of the street in a little town called…

He didnt bother remembering the names or the people

He didnt want to remember them

The only one he wanted to remember he could never forget

The image burnt on his brain

Never to be seen again, but never be forgotten

He walked with that little stick

Making sense of things that didn‘t make sense

Making excuses that no one needed, especially him

Making up stories that will never take place

Leafing through the decades of an eight-year-old boy‘s life

He wished to go back

He wished he was normal

He wished he stayed with them till the end

He wished he was back

In her arms

The place that always welcomed

the place he loved and craved

his little heaven

in those eyes

he‘ll never see again

An adult, desperate in his attempts to look like one

A load of friends he saw grow up

And change their lives with wifes and sons

He had to leave and never come to the old life he once begun

It was a pain

But he survived


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