Special Offer: Did You Get Your Gold Star Today?

Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2016



When we were young, my parents motivated us to do chores by way of stickers. They taped a monthly calendar in the kitchen delegating the weekly duties. If completed by the end of the week, we were lucky enough to get a star on the calendar indicating a job well done. Once we earned a certain number of stars, we would get a bigger reward.

I thought I outgrew this gold star reward system, but this is what happened in the last month:

  • My boss told me I am doing a great job and to keep it up = Gold Star
  • Received a work bonus deposited in my bank account = Gold Star
  • Got compliments from co-workers and friends = Gold Star
  • Received a positive testimony over email from a client = Gold Star
  • Someone liked my Social Media and Medium posts = Gold Star

Wow… Looks like I’m still getting these gold stars and dare I say I like to get them! I’m going to be honest, the recognition is definitely a motivator for me.

The difference is that I don’t do a job well to get gold stars like I did when I was as a kid. I do a job well done because I have a strong work ethic and I want to do a job well for ME.

But I do admit, it’s nice to get a gold star every now and then.

For those of you who work hard every day but don’t get the recognition you deserve…here is your Gold Star!

For those of you who say recognition is not your motivator, please share what does motivate you. Would love to hear about it!

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Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words

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