Don’t ever ignore your bad thoughts

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2017
image of seeds

To go straight to the point, I will begin with a parable.
There is man sitting in front of his land, thinking about what kind of crop he would like to have.
As he was sitting, a stranger stopped by his garden . He had a bag filled with seeds.
He takes a handful and scatters them in the good land and walks away.
The owner of the land says nothing. He chooses to ignore what was planted because he is only interested in what he wants out of the garden.
He gets up and buys some tomato seeds having made up his mind on what crop he desires.

The following day, he goes to his garden and plants his tomato seeds.
For the next few months, we can see him caring for the land. He has chosen what seeds to plant and he intentionally waters them and ensures that they get all they need to grow.
As the seeds draw life from the water and the sun, they begin to grow and outwardly display their nature.
We start seeing tomatoes being chocked by weeds.
Seeds planted intentionally being attacked by seeds that were ignored.

What is the moral of this story?
Each one of our thoughts are seeds. Our mind is a garden. We all agree that negative thoughts create a negative energy and affects us in many ways.

What do most of us do what we get a bad thought? we ignore it because we don’t want to give it any attention. This is the wrong way of dealing with bad thoughts. You can ignore them all you want, but they have been sown in your garden and with time they will come to maturity.
You have to conquer your negative thoughts , overcome them, reap them out of your garden and throw them out. Ignoring them is not dealing with them.
You are making the same mistake as the man in the parable. You ignore your negative thouhts because you want to focus on your positive thoughts, unfortunately you will have a crop you desired and weeds you didn’t want.

Don’t ever ignore your bad thoughts again. Got it?



100 Naked Words

JP (Jean Pouabou). Writting my first book | Aspiring to inspire people to pursue their purpose.