Don’t forget the ones who raised you

Kimberley Chung
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2017

The first day we open our eyes to this still unfamiliar place we call Earth is, in most cases, in the loving arms of our mom and dad, who handle us with such tenderness that we instantly feel safe around them. From day one they immediately become our shield of protection, even though they can hurt themselves badly trying to keep us safe.
We yearn for their warmth when they are not around when we wake up from our daytime nap. You find comfort by hugging your dad tightly around his neck, hoping that you can always come back to him seeking comfort.

Every night before bedtime, you wait for them to read you your favourite fairy tale for the 100th time. You close off your day with their kisses imprinted on your cheeks, which put you in a deep and soothing sleep; every night, over and over again. You don’t need to be afraid of monsters hiding under your bed for dad always comes to the rescue and makes sure the only things hiding under your bed are fairy tale books and wool soft plushies.

And now, we are all grown-up.

No longer do we want to have that same kind of protection we once needed. No longer do we want confirmation nor door we need permission for all the things we want to do.

From seeing our parents day in and day out, it turns into weeks, months, in some cases even years before we meet up again with the ones who raised us. It’s logical that we see them less than when we were still dependent on them. Life demands so much more of us once we reach a certain age, however the amount of time remains unchanged. It won’t tick on a slower pace to make sure you have more time to spend on whatever you want to spend it on. It’s a complicated enigma, almost impossible to unriddle.

Still, don’t forget the ones who raised you.

If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here in the first place. I wouldn’t be able to have an unforgettable childhood, with the luxury to be as carefree as I can be. It was a period mostly filled with laughter and adventurous moments, that I can look back on with a bittersweet feeling. Without them, I wouldn’t have had good morals to begin with, let alone being able to think for myself when I was no longer afraid of monsters under my bed. Without them, I wouldn’t have had a strong solid base on which I could build the best version of myself.

Most importantly, they showed me something which is rare nowadays; unconditional love.

Everyone grows up eventually. But will you forget the ones who raised you?



Kimberley Chung
100 Naked Words

Rambling through life. All about self development & positivity.