Everybody Loves to Win

(15) Taking lesson on Donald Trumps win against the Status Quo

Shihab Uddin
100 Naked Words
4 min readNov 12, 2016


I live in Bangladesh, one of the most dense country in the world and I assume one of the most corrupt countries of the world too. Elections in the United States doesn’t really effects us directly but I do follow US elections news, in fact I found most of the news about it in YouTube comedy shows, how they ridiculed whole Trump campaign and a probable Trump presidency.

I am a great fan of English comedy shows and in last 1+ years it was mostly about Trump in those shows i.e they covered everything what Trump said or not. Though I do not listen any news or follow any news websites I got to know most of things about him or he said.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
Mahatma Gandhi

According to this Mahatma Gandhi quote the whole world ridiculed at Trump, even my friends who live in USA told Trump is a joke. But he became a serious joke later.

Recently I took some online classes from Harvard Business School and we studied in that course peoples lives, who are famous, successful in business world, what they stood for and what was the reason behind their successes and critical decisions. Leaving aside all the negativity, bigotry or racism I want to analyze the positive sides of this phenomena.

Crave for Win

People are in problems, mostly due to economical reasons or in some cases for other reasons. As I saw Trump always said, I will be your champion, I will solve all your problems and you will be winning so much in my regime, that you will become tired of winning.

He pictured him like the Genii of Aladdin who will come and solve all your problems and he was extremely confident saying that, even though he may be lied but he did said in a way that people believed him, also made strong promises he will solve all the peoples problems.

The Brand Trump & Persona

Despite criticism or much wrong depiction, he was very widely known throughout the whole country as well as the world. In modern days people doesn’t care much about politics or hardly care about people who are involved in it.

But Trump was very widely known and his life was wide open, I see wikileaks was leaking Hillary’s documents, e-mails but it seemed Trump is always wide open in front of the whole world. There could be a logic, would you support the known devil or unknown whatever? I assume this persona helped him somehow, also though he had some massive failures, but he did became the richest president of United States.

If he was a total failure he wouldn’t own a private plane, dozens of towers, golf courses or more than a billion dollar worth of property, assets. So, we cannot say he was a total failure in Business, almost all the media's tried to picture him such.

And one thing kind of helped him, the backlash against available news sources. People doesn’t believe in media now-a-days, most of them think its biased,every media kind of campaigned against him, asked to save the world voting her opponent, but people reacted against it.

And finally the brand Trump was winner.

Agitation of people against liberalism, Rise of Extremism or Say we always love Extremism?

People doesn’t like liberalism that much these days, this is happening in last few years. Look other countries in the world, people are electing either extreme right or leftist candidates.

There is a reason behind it, the progress or change in a liberal regime is very slow and librettists are heavily corrupted in many countries and this makes the mass population, who live kind of below or near to poverty range enormously frustrated. These creates a sense among of them how they could change their situation or find a better option, they become radical, their ideas change.

And that’s the way people elect people with radical ideas like Donald Trump.

If we see from personal life’s perspectives you cannot achieve anything in your life without putting together maximum effort, fighting against all your odds, being the super radical person you know, just only focusing on the one thing that you desire to win. Nothing great happens from a balanced, everything is normal life, we need to extra mile to achieve something like that. So, I can say we do have that sense of extremism in ourselves or I can say we always love extremism.

Though I have wishes to take an advanced degree from United States, being a Muslim and Trump saying about Muslim ban, common answer is it’s going to be shattered. But I am hopeful that Trump won’t do anything like that, I do assume there will be much more strict rules for giving VISA to Muslim people, but he will not stop it totally.

And after-all he is a businessman, he knows how to deal with all kind of people and get the required result, So, I am hopeful that he will be able to make much more rapid progress for United States as well as our world.



Shihab Uddin
100 Naked Words

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msuworld/