Faceless people and 3 things I wonder

Linda Caroll
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2017

Do all those people who didn’t vote regret it? I read that not deciding is a decision, too. When I think back to the times I couldn’t decide something, I suspect deciding is probably a power skill.

Does Donald Trump have Dunning-Kruger? Dunning–Kruger is a cognitive bias in which people have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their ability as much higher than it really is. Really, I can’t help but wonder…

Why are so many people mean to each other? Not just politics. Anything people can disagree about. Angry and mean aren’t the same, incidentally.

My Mom always said it’s okay to be angry, but there’s no excuse for being mean and it only ever reflects on you, not the other person. I think she’s probably right on that one…

What do you wonder about?

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