Fear is My Greatest Strength

Marissa Loewen
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2017


Me Courtesy of: https://www.instagram.com/lashesbykylee

“What is YOUR fear in your business?”

I was laying with my eyes closed getting my one non-negotiable regular treat to myself — eyelash extensions. My lash tech asked me what my fear was after I had asked her what hers was so I could explain my theory on fears.

“Fear of success,” I replied. “I’m afraid that I will become SO succesful that I won’t have time to spend with family and friends. I know that might sound silly, but I think about it a lot.”

She paused from adding the next lash and her voice got low as she said “No, when you said that, I felt it was true for me too. It’s why I don’t expand MY business.”

I explained that when I think about that fear, instead of being afraid, I ask what lesson my fears are trying to get me to learn. In the case of time and availability for fun outside of my business, my fear is asking me to set up the proper boundaries, expectations of clients, availability and automated systems that allow me to have fun, flexibility and fortune in my life.

I test if I have the right combination of resources by asking my fear if it is still there.

It is. For now. I’m still working on a few important boundaries and process.



Marissa Loewen
100 Naked Words

Business Strategist, Community Enthusiast, Idea Catalyst & lover of BIG bold questions, the answers & the spaces in between. www.createtherules.com