Five minutes stream of consciousness pt. 2

Lo Fo
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

I’ve been thinking a lot about saying “I love you” recently. What it means to me to hear someone say it to me / what it means to me to say it to someone else / what it means for others.

My partner does not say it much and only ever in return when I say it. So far. Although I believe they mean it, I am unsure whether they say it in return because it seems like the right thing to do. I just mean that I wonder if they’d say it ever without me having said it first. I wonder whether that matters. It seems insincere if they only do it as a response, but I do believe that they mean it, at the time and at all other times. I wonder whether they’ve said it more to other partners.

I know they show their love and commitment in other ways. We have discussed their method of showing love and they are through actions instead of words. I know some might explain this as us both having different love languages. I don’t think I have ever been in a situation where my partner’s expression of love has differed so much from my own expectations.

I said it first and they did not return it. It was a couple of weeks later when I heard it back. I was OK with being the first and I was OK with letting it be what it is, for however long it was. In some way, not knowing if they loved me was kind of exciting, in a way that I just don’t know how to explain. There was still mystery there. They were still holding onto something about themselves that I was yet to discover. I had given them all of myself in my declaration and was vulnerable and that was powerful and scary and honest.

Time is up.



Lo Fo
100 Naked Words

Vulnerability, empathy and connection are the foundations of a functioning society.