Forgive Me My Love, I Made You Bacon

Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2016



I’m going to tell you something you might have a hard time believing. My husband does not enjoy eating bacon. For real. It’s like he’s from another universe.

We’ve been together for 21 years and I still get a shocked expression on my face every time he says he’s not a fan. He’ll take a bite of bacon, mumble a “meh” sound and leave the rest on his plate. I can’t comprehend this behaviour.

You should know by now, I love bacon. I could have bacon every day. You will never see me leave a piece of bacon on my plate. The 2-3 pieces restaurants serve with an order of eggs is not enough for me. To be frank, 5 pieces would be ideal to satisfy me.

Needless to say, we don’t cook bacon that often in our house because he’s not a fan (and the smell lasts for days!) But every now and then, we make an exception because he knows I love it.

A few nights ago, we’re cooking bacon, talking and enjoying our time together. When I found myself upset at something he said. We started to talk more about it, but we knew, if we went any further it was going to lead to an argument.

He must have sensed my discomfort because I heard him say: “All will be forgiven because I made you bacon”. He then proceeded to hand me a plate with 5 pieces of bacon on it. (He knows the magic number)

I took a bite of my first piece of bacon and I could feel it melt in my mouth. It tasted amazing!

As I took another bite, the memory of our not-so-happy conversation started to fade away.

Another bite, I couldn’t even remember why I was upset.

By my 2nd piece of bacon, I looked across the table at my Prince Charming with googly eyes and told him I loved him.

He was right — all is forgiven with bacon.

The man sure knows the way to my heart.

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Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words

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