Genuine Expressions of Thanks — #26

Jon Jackson
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readOct 19, 2016

On the web side of things, the last week or so hasn’t been too bad. Things have calmed down from the recent flurry of critical website issues that flooded my consciousness with angst. Things tend to come in waves. I don’t like waves. I like a calm, still ocean of tranquillity. I don’t think life is geared up for fulfilling that kind of desire, though. I’ll wait for the next wave to hit and just hope it isn’t a tsunami.

I had a pleasant comment from a client last week in relation to a project that we’ve been working on for about three months now. We recently had a long skype call, in which I demonstrated the website we have been building for them. It is still in progress, but they are pleased with how the work is advancing. I followed up with a summary of everything we discussed and amidst the reply that came back, I was pleasantly surprised to see the following comment:

“Very much enjoying working with you on this — thanks for everything.”

Having somebody express their appreciation for your efforts and showing that they value what you’re doing is important. I’m not after awards or fame. The occasional genuine expression of thanks is worth much more than a lot of empty pomp and ceremony.



Jon Jackson
100 Naked Words

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment