Get Back On Track in 2017

Kim Smyth
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2017

Getting back on track with my eating was one of my goals, not resolutions, for the year. My holiday indulgences, small as they were, have still had negative effects on my body. Since I normally eat caveman style, all of the extra alcohol, chips and crackers (even if gluten free) have me…less than comfortable. Instead of reaching for a glass of prune juice, which is laden with sugar, my go to has been to get flax and salad back in my diet asap! Also, lots and lots of water. A smoothie a day, with at least a spoonful of flax and then a salad at lunch or dinner, will get me back to normal in no time. If you don’t know about flax, it’s time to get the facts. Check out my article on VitaBella Magazine on why this tiny seed can make such a big difference.

Stay healthy and strive for good dietary changes this year by taking just a few small steps. Drink less soda and more water, for instance. Get some salad in your life and ditch the sugar. Your digestion will improve and you’ll be on the road to better colon health.

I admit I cheated a bit but knowing how to get back on track is what’s important. If I can help one person by writing about better health through a Paleo lifestyle, I’ll be a happy camper. :)



Kim Smyth
100 Naked Words

Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.