Get the Message before You get Shingles

First it’s a whisper. Then it’s a pebble. Then it’s a brick wall unless you are me in which case, it’s shingles.

Lakesha Mathis
100 Naked Words
1 min readOct 26, 2017




My life continues to be a beautiful mess. And I love it. It continues to be everything I asks for inconspicuously wrapped. Who would ever look for inspiration in shingles? Who asks shingles, “What is your message”?

And maybe that’s why wisdom comes to me. It knows it would never turn it away. It’s attractiveness never recedes.

While I don’t see the wisdom of these shingles yet, I know, “me first” is a part of it.

I can’t sell The Conspiracy of You if I’m in the backseat of my life.

Learning to model what I teach.

Thanks Shingles!



Lakesha Mathis
100 Naked Words

Author, Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Table Flipper, Equity Advocate and Personal Growth Pusher.