Giving Myself Permission To Hit Reset

Ronda Taylor
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2020

Sometimes, life as you know it no longer makes sense.

Sometimes the only thing that makes sense is to start over.

So, at the age of 53, that’s what I did. I hit the proverbial “reset button” of my life. I sold everything I owned, left my marriage of 20+ years, bought a backpack, and a one-way ticket to Costa Rica. And in doing so, I set out on a journey of self-discovery and took action on a decades-long dream of traveling the world.

Yeah. I suppose I could’ve hit the reset button in a much simpler way. Perhaps I could’ve just unplugged from social media for a bit, taken up a new hobby, or started a new project. However, my happiness barometer was at an all-time low. Life was unraveling at the seams and I found myself at a major crossroads in my life…a reset meant starting over. Like, really starting over.

Since that day three years ago, that decision to “hit reset” has changed the trajectory of my life in ways I could never have imagined.

Join me over the next few weeks as I share trials, tribulations, and triumphs of being a solopreneur on a journey to find her way, and ultimately, find herself.



Ronda Taylor
100 Naked Words

Gypsy soul. Sacred rebel. Fearless heart. Radical dreamer. Reluctant storyteller. And learning to embrace it … one story at a time.