
Lo Fo
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017

There is a same-sex marriage debate going on in Australia at the moment. It is a really hard time for queer people right now. I am at times enraged, despondent, hopeless and disgusted, but right this moment I want to focus on being grateful.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn everyday.

I am learning how to use power tools and cut and make a bed from Tasmanian Oak. It is awesome that I am able to make my own bed!

Someone *lovely* reversed into my car headlight recently while I was in the supermarket and did not leave a note. I am grateful that I am able to use this experience as an opportunity to learn about how to repair my own car.

I am grateful for the ability to spend lots of time with my loved ones.

I regularly catch up with my friends and partner and enjoy deep, meaningful conversations and experiences with them as well as silly, fun times.

Even though some of them live far away, I stay in contact through phone calls, text messages and memes ❤

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful that I am able to access health care at a relatively inexpensive cost.

I am grateful that I don’t suffer from any serious, ongoing health concerns.

I am grateful for employment.

I am part of a great team. I can leave my work at the office.

I am grateful for the community and environment that I live in.

The community is small and people know each other. I am able to develop relationships with others relatively simply thanks to proximity.

I can walk to the city, my office and be in nature, all within ten minutes from my house.

I am grateful for dogs.

They are the best.



Lo Fo
100 Naked Words

Vulnerability, empathy and connection are the foundations of a functioning society.