Greeting Your Goals

Soham Dutta
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2017


When you sprint towards a goal, especially when you can’t reach that goal for months, or even years, it wears you out.

But what happens when we are finally in the vicinity of realizing that goal?

Goosebumps. Surreal realizations. Excitement.

What I realize, as I stand on square one of a series of events that will finally take me to my goal is:

  • In many ways, the goal itself has changed.
  • My new goals have replaced my old goal, so much so that I barely realize I’m about to achieve the original goal I set in the first place.
  • My original goal no longer feels like that grand of an accomplishment, because I have learned more, grown, and seen what else is possible.

I think that’s the key to life. It’s not about carefully choosing things that you’ll never disagree with doing. Life is about chasing your passions, whatever they may be, so fully and wholeheartedly that at the end of the day you can barely stand up.

Someday those passions might change, but they haven’t yet, so you don’t have any excuse.



Soham Dutta
100 Naked Words

Writing frees my thoughts and fuels my creativity! A science enthusiast, my life finds purpose through my guitar, sketches and books 💯