Hello…..is anybody there…..

Dan O W
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2017

Have you ever felt when you were talking to someone that they weren’t really there?

They were there, but not THERE

Their body was present……their head was nodding…..their hand was taking notes with their pen…..But their eyes were BLANK. Mentally they were elsewhere — perhaps on holidays, or in another meeting, or thinking of how they’re kids were doing at school. Either way, it was clear that they weren’t present.

It happened to me today. And I didn’t like how it made me feel.

It got me thinking to how we can stay present if we don’t want to be there. How do we really focus when mentally or spiritually we need to be elsewhere.

I like to think of it as wholeness — how do we bring our whole self to something. It’s beyond wellness or mindfulness. It’s wholeness. I am going to explore that. Perhaps you’d like to be on the WHOLE journey with me??



Dan O W
100 Naked Words

Mother, adventurer, business woman, writer (maybe?), is there a limit to what we can be?!?!