Home? or Homeless?

Shannon Lee Rohn/Poetriss
100 Naked Words
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2017

Why do you choose to be homeless in a free spirited world?

Why are we caught in the middle of our children’s choices? How do we make them decide that it’s not the best choice to live in the forest, across the street from the beautiful beach of Santa Monica and its surrounding cities…in a tent. Maybe some kind of identity crisis, or spiritual awakening, I don’t know. But I do believe in his every dream, goal, aspiration, hope, or positive searches. You will overcome and defeat all of your battles son. I believe in you. I believe in all of my children. You WILL be all that you want to be.

Yesterday was very hard for me, as I windled down to the desperation of my tears, as hard as it was to hold them back, I couldn’t help it. “Michael, I am NOT dropping you off here. I REFUSE.” “What? Why mom, what the fuck, I got this, just let me hide my bags in these hills, and put up my tent.”

from the depths of the Pacific Coast Highway, my happy days at the beach, had soon become my enemy. Do I regret taking him to the beach for the first time? As he saw something there that would better his life, but not without a struggle first. Maybe my own struggle, as the thoughts overwhelm the every space that’s left in my head. I couldn’t stop thinking if I leave my gorgeous son age 23, down here in the Los Angeles area alone, will he be hungry, get hurt, be cold at night? Meet someone whose bad news? No I trust his judgement, but do I trust the judgement of strangers? NO. So I’m a mom. And I worry,. allot. I have 5 boys, and the oldest are twins, i still worry, no matter how old they are. I can only give it to God from here. I wish my son the best of luck in his modeling career. I will help in any way that I can. BLESSED BE IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, AS HE PROTECTS YOU ALL. Charles, Michael, Christian, Brandon & Eric. I love you all, and my grandbabies as well.

Eric And all of my boys



Shannon Lee Rohn/Poetriss
100 Naked Words

"We can't change what already happened, but we can change what will."