How to publish on 100 Naked Words

It’s simple:

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
1 min readMay 10, 2016


  1. Send an email to,
  2. In the email, tell me about the work that gives your life meaning.
  3. Tell me what your Medium username is.

If you’re a good fit for the publication, I’ll give you publishing rights. Please be aware that I can revoke these rights at any time if you aren’t submitting 100 words a day. I want to help you improve as a writer, so by implementing this rule, I can help you stay consistent.

Everyone needs some tough love. You’ll thank me after you have been at it for a year (and beyond). :)

What to expect

  • You’ll get an email that says you have been successfully added to the 100 Naked Words publication. Congratulations!
  • Write your submission as you normally would. In the top right you will see three dots (…). Click there and select “Add to publication”. You can only see this from Medium on a computer, not on mobile devices.
  • From the list, select “100 Naked Words” then click the “Add draft to publication” button.
  • Don’t click “publish”. This way, I can schedule it to be published for you at a time that can maximize the numbers of view your post gets.

That’s it!

I’ll do the rest, make any amendments, then publish your piece. You’ll get an email after it’s been published.

Do this each and every day and you’ll start noticing your well of ideas will be brimming in no time!

