I wrote about being able to predict the future and still trying to destroy it, because of how thorny the road to “happiness” might be.

I don’t want pain and I don’t want to put it on myself to feel the same way I felt last year at this exact time.

And nevertheless, I can’t help but acknowledge the fact that pain is sometimes necessary: to learn, to grown, to be an obstacle and as we all know by now, THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY.

While I’m talking about the possible long-distance relationship, people face more important issues.

Like regretting their life choices, settling for mediocrity, taking the easier way out.

This piece is a result of reading Johnson Kee’s atricle

And I have to say that if I could have predicted my future when I was 18, I wouldn’t change a thing.

I’ve grown, I’ve learned, I’ve been me: sensitive, emotional, bad-ass sometimes, pussy other times and a chaser of a real thing that always brought heartbreak.

Or was it heartbreak I inflicted on myself?

I don’t know anymore.

My path has been painful and miserable, but it’s my path and there is still a lot to go through, a lot to learn and experience.

It is gonna be as it is supposed to be and maybe I am finally at peace with that.

When you give up the control you never had in the first place, you kind of relinquish yourself to God, to the Universe

You’re like: “Here I am, take me, do whatever you want with me”

And I’ll be fine in any case

With the struggle, with the pain, with the grind

Because I know, that someday I’ll be on the top, I will be exactly where I want to be, I will be successful, I will be who I’ve been dying to be all this time, I will be an exceptional writer, a bad-ass snowboarder, the coolest mom ever and the wife I’d never thought I could be.

And I will be happy.

I can see the future.

I can feel it in my heart.

And I will fight for my place under the sun

Whatever it takes

Bring it on, Universe.


Thank you for reading ♥

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