I feel it in the wind

Dan O W
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2017
A new day is coming

Can you feel it?

Can you sense the shift from then to now?

From the “its OK, we’re making some progress” to “Damn Trump is now President?”

I see it in every article…….in the passion of people’s words……I feel it in the cry in their voices and the stomp in their feet as they take to the streets.

We’ve had enough and it’s time to do something. It’s both exciting and scary. If the world is ready for true change, how can we do it safely, bringing everyone along and getting the best from human nature?

I am not sure, but I am sure that I AM going on this fabulous ride.

To the future!!



Dan O W
100 Naked Words

Mother, adventurer, business woman, writer (maybe?), is there a limit to what we can be?!?!